I started my apprenticeship journey with cHRysos in January 2022.
The whole experience was brilliant.
I felt supported and listened to throughout the course.
I started the apprenticeship with barely any knowledge in the HR department and finished it feeling confident and knowledgeable.
My confidence has grown massively with the help of my skills coach, Janine.
The skills and knowledge I have gained during my apprenticeship have helped me become a stronger employee with deeper understanding of HR withing my organisation.
I have truly enjoyed my time with cHRysos.
Justyna Harar
National Support Hub Administrator
Rank Group
I started my CIPD journey in January 2022. There were various reasons behind me studying towards this qualification, including career advancement, professional development and networking opportunities.
CIPD qualifications are recognised globally and highly regarded within the HR and business space. A large motivating factor for studying was achieving these credentials. Completing these qualifications can enhance career prospects through developing specialised knowledge and skilled, which are valued by employers, and I wanted something which could enhance my degree.
Having an already solid understanding of HRM from my degree and work at Persimmon, I wanted to expand on this further. The comprehensive learning experience covered a wide range of topics, including specialist employment law, talent management and employment relationship management, which I had previously not been exposed to in such detail. Having the theoretical understanding of processes and functions enables better decision-making in real world situations.
Furthermore, tapping into a group of other professionals was also a significant motivating factor for studying. The qualification provides opportunities to network with instructors, fellow students and industry experts.
Undertaking the qualification has aided me in many ways, through increasing my confidence, enhancing my knowledge and skills and supporting my promotion.
Through gaining in-depth knowledge and practical skills, my expertise has developed, allowing me to perform my duties more effectively, increasing my confidence. I am able to rely on my knowledge to make informed decisions in my role. I feel confident approaching workplace challenges and issues now I can view these with a strategic lens and fall back onto my strong knowledge of process and legislation.
While undertaking study for the qualification, I was on the HR Graduate scheme at Persimmon, which ran parallel to the course. Undertaking the qualification highlighted my commitment to the profession, along with providing me with a competitive advantage and up to date information and practices. Therefore, my enhanced knowledge and skills combined with my increased confidence and effectiveness within my role, supported my promotion to Group HR Advisor.
There are a number of areas which stand out to me, including; learning and professional development, a sense of achievement and interaction with likeminded learners.
After graduating university in 2020, I was sure that I needed to continue learning and developing my knowledge and skills. cHRysos provided me with that opportunity of learning and gaining practical experience in parallel. Continual learning on programme allowed me to learn from structured modules, exploration of new topics and provided a challenge in many new areas. The learning directly supports my career development which allows me to feel a sense of progress and improvement within the field as a young professional.
Furthermore, working hard towards a tangible reward creates a huge sense of achievement as it requires dedication and effort. My effort was recognised throughout the programme during time with my tutor and when receiving module results. This was also celebrated during a graduation event at the end of the course, where I was also awarded Learner of the Year 2024.
Alexandra Hatfield-Marsland
Group HR Advisor
Persimmon PLC

Why did you start your CIPD journey?
I have a number of years experience in recruitment and worked closely alongside the HR department in my previous role which is where I first gained inspiration for working in HR. A change in the department at my current organisation gave the opportunity to join the course.
How has the qualification helped you in the workplace?
I was able to start the course at Level 5 due to my degree and was in an administration position throughout studying on the course. Since completing the course, I have now been promoted to Course Admin and HR Assistant while training and learning more of the HR role first hand. The course has given me a great depth in knowledge and I feel well equipped for the role.
What did you enjoy most about being on programme with cHRysos?
I found the online sessions extremely informative and it was great to bounce ideas off other HR professionals. I enjoyed the learning.
Is there anything else you wish to share?
I personally wished to take on the challenge of the course because I wanted to progress into a career in HR. I knew it would be a tall order with having two young children and working. The course is skilfully designed to provide thorough understanding of HR and I'm really pleased I have completed it successfully.
Aimee Collins
Course Admin and HR Assistant
National Horseracing College
I began my journey with cHRysos with face-to-face learner events on specialist areas of Organisational Development – there was the option of accrediting this learning, which spurred me on to pursue a formal CIPD qualification. As an experienced L&D professional, it felt like the missing piece to validate my career experience and be more formally aligned with the People Practice profession.
I enjoyed the interaction of group sessions but felt I needed extra support after an adult neurodiversity diagnosis recognised my dyslexia.
cHRysos was able to accommodate my needs by being flexible with my pace and learning needs. I completed my qualification through professional discussions and supporting evidence that worked with my strengths. I could articulate my understanding of theoretical concepts, applied to my experience and HR/OD projects, and the questioning and reasoning allowed me to reflect on my work and how to embed my learning further in the workplace.
I enjoyed preparing and discussing my points in the assessed conversations. They were supportive, gave me space to excel and explain my approach more thoroughly than in the written word.
On a personal note Sheila was reassuring, guided me, checked in, and generally enabled great conversations, which has allowed me to mature and appreciate my profession further. I will miss my studies and professional discussions greatly.
I would recommend cHRysos to other people looking to know more about the People Practice profession, the CIPD, either as a new or early career interest or, like me, to further explore and accredit existing learning and experiences.
I look forward to furthering my career in the People Practice profession with all that I have learned about myself and a reinvigorated understanding of the place for HR and organisational development.
Laura Folkers (Chartered MCIPD)
Civil Servant and Local Authority Officer
The Office for Environmental Protection
What apprenticeship are you studying and why did you choose it? 
I am currently on the Level 3 Apprenticeship in HR Support and People Practise with cHRysos and I chose this apprenticeship because I wanted to learn more about HR whilst working in an HR department to enhance my skills, develop and expand my knowledge of HR.
How has the qualification/apprenticeship helped you in the workplace?
The programme has helped me in the workplace; for example, opportunities have been offered to me now that I have a greater understanding of HR. I have an opportunity at work to take more responsibility in training new starters to the business, and I am able to take this opportunity and thrive thanks to my new knowledge that cHRysos has taught me.
What do you most enjoy about studying with cHRysos?
I most enjoy the online learning because I have the chance to meet new people including the people on my course but also the tutors who do such an amazing job at welcoming everyone to cHRysos and CIPD. The online learning sessions are always interactive so we can always voice opinions, speak to new people, and collaborate.
Is there anything else you wish to share about your qual/apprenticeship journey?
An apprenticeship is absolutely worth completing, I’ve had the best experience completing an apprenticeship with cHRysos and I am learning something new every week not only about HR standards but also learning new skills for myself.
Would you recommend cHRysos HR Solutions?
I would absolutely recommend cHRysos to anyone who shows an interest in HR because the skills and content we learn with cHRysos will stay with me throughout my career.
Hannah Brooks
Customer Service Advisor
Royal Mail
What apprenticeship did you study?
Level 3 Learning and Development Practitioner.
How has the apprenticeship helped you in the workplace?
As part of my CIPD, I accepted a secondment role within a different department. This was initially for reflection purposes within my learning log/journal, it soon became for self-progression. This position has now become a permanent role. I have been in the Health and Safety department for 3 years. I continue to use the skills I learned throughout my apprenticeship.
What did you enjoy the most about studying with cHRysos?
The ability to work at my own speed in a structured manor.
Is there anything else you wish to share about your apprenticeship journey?
My apprenticeship was started pre-Covid, working within a health care setting. This impacted us massively and prolonged the time frame initially set. Being new to Learning and Development at the time, I was learning a new role, starting an apprenticeship, and then shortly after, having to change our whole way of learning and delivering, and working in general. I can honestly say I’m thankful for the journey and glad that I was able to capture it all through my learning. I also had maternity leave for the birth of my beautiful daughter. cHRysos supported with this and supported me coming back into my learning, setting clear time frames and scheduling calls to check on progression.
Would you recommend cHRysos HR Solutions?
I found the course content to be helpful. The support I received was professional and issues raised were dealt with promptly. I’m very thankful for the support I received completing my apprenticeship.
Charlotte Wright
What apprenticeship did you study and why did you choose it?
I completed the L3 HR Support Apprenticeship. I chose this one because it was the first step in my career and the modules reflected what I was doing at work.
How has the apprenticeship helped you in the workplace?
When I first started my apprenticeship I was Senior Office Administrator and HR Administrator. As I was new to the HR World, I started as entry level HR Administrator, however on completion my role changed to Senior HR Administrator.
What did you enjoy most about studying with cHRysos? 
I enjoyed the support I had with my skills coach, and if I had any questions, I could ask them.
Is there anything else you wish to share about your apprenticeship journey?
One piece of advice... do your assignments when you're given them so that the information is fresh... don't leave it until the last moment!
Would you recommend cHRysos?
Yes. The fact that the course was 100% online made it extremely easier for my work/life balance.
Sophie Potton
Senior HR Administrator
Castle Employment Group
When/why did you start your apprenticeship journey?
I started my apprenticeship journey in May 2022 as we had decided to bring the HR function in house following it previously being outsourced to third parties.
How has the apprenticeship helped you in the workplace?
The apprenticeship programme has developed me both personally and professionally and provided me with a solid base in my new role of Business Manager / HR
What did you enjoy most about being on programme with cHRysos?
I enjoyed meeting the other members of my Cohort and building solid relationships with some of them. I liked that we were able to share our own professional experiences with each other and this helped with self-development.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
I would like to thank everyone at Chrysos for their support throughout my journey, especially Janine, Simon and the 2 Alex’s. I did find it tough at times juggling a busy new role with study etc but it has all been worth it and I would definitely recommend Chrysos to anyone looking to complete HR qualifications for professional development.
Hannah Joyce
Business Manager / HR
Schofield & Associates Financial Planning Ltd

Clair Staines
Head of Learning & Development
Energize Recruitment Solutions (Manchester)
Why did you start your apprenticeship journey? 
I started my apprenticeship journey late in 2021 and started on programme in January 2022. I had identified that I wanted to complete my CIPD Level 5 Associate Diploma in People Management a few years ago. My manager and wider organisation were really supportive of this desire, and I was put forward to do this as an apprenticeship. I had reached a point in my career in HR where I was ready for my next challenge and keen to broaden my knowledge.
How has the apprenticeship helped you in the workplace?
Undertaking this apprenticeship has helped me in the workplace as I am now able to look at things from a broader and more strategic perspective. I have gained broader knowledge of HR and in particular HR within my organisation. I work in a specialist HR role, so it has been great to deepen my knowledge around topics that I would not work on day to day. The apprenticeship has also enabled me to apply my learning to my workplace with self-learning and assignments that required me to apply theory and practice to my organisation.
What did you enjoy the most about being on programme with cHRysos?
I loved meeting others on the course. I have met people from a range of organisations and sectors that I would not have met if it wasn’t from this course. This has meant that I have learned a lot from their experiences and made new friends!
Is there anything else you wish to share about your apprenticeship journey.
I would say to anyone curious about starting an apprenticeship to contact a provider like cHRysos and see if it is right for you. It is a big commitment but so worth it. I have found having a supportive employer, time to complete the learning and good tutors to be fundamental. I have enjoyed my apprenticeship so far and will be looking forward to graduation in March.
Amie Cockett
Vetting Business Partner
Oxfam GB

Tony Jones
L&D Team
Royal Mail

Embarking on my CIPD Level 5 Apprenticeship was an exciting opportunity, although did come with challenges in managing both work and study. However, throughout my Apprenticeship I was guided and supported by the cHRysos team. With their specialist knowledge they guided me through each stage, encouraging me and pushing me to achieve my potential. The CIPD qualification and Apprenticeship side of the qualification were kept very clearly separated and we tackled each part in small manageable amounts. The one to one support when completing my final project and Professional Discussion was invaluable, as it was the key factor in navigating it successfully and achieving my qualification. Everything was explained clearly and as much time and support as I needed was given.
Thanks cHRysos team!
Leah Bevan
HR Specialist

David Lochrie
Warrant Officer
Doing an apprenticeship has been such a great experience. Although the journey has oftentimes been challenging, I feel that it has been the perfect opportunity for me to integrate into a completely new line of work, all while gaining hands on experience in the workplace and developing the skills, knowledge and behaviours needed for my role. Being an apprentice has
allowed me to study for a qualification while maintaining a full time job, which is probably something that I personally wouldn’t have been able to do without having the option of doing an apprenticeship.
This apprenticeship has helped me gain in depth knowledge and experience in the HR world and has helped me secure a permanent job with my local Council.
I thoroughly enjoyed working with my skills coach and all my tutors during my time at cHRysos. I felt that each tutor was very helpful and supportive throughout the course, making the live sessions and completing assignments that bit easier. Being the only one on your team in the workplace to do an apprenticeship can often be challenging and stressful with having no one to share information with, but knowing the tutors were there to offer their support and guidance, and help with any issues, made me feel more at ease.
Chloe Deery
Apprentice HR Administrator
Chesterfield Borough Council
I began my HR level 3 Apprenticeship in February 2021 with cHRysos alongside the CIPD Foundation Certificate. After many years working in recruitment delivering front line support, I showed an interest in completing an apprenticeship mainly because I could still do my role alongside the learning. I decided to start my apprenticeship after speaking with a HR manager within my business who had recently completed an apprenticeship with cHRysos.
The content and the way the workshops were delivered by cHRysos were really engaging which meant we learned from each other as well as the skilled tutors and my skills coach that delivered the training. Learning in this diverse way gave me the confidence to utilise the skills and knowledge that we learned in my role and share them with my managers and colleagues. Having to adapt to a learning environment and assignment writing eighteen years after I finished college was challenging but the support, guidance and feedback I received from cHRysos was brilliant.
cHRysos helped me to understand the ‘how’ and the ‘why’ of the people profession, giving me the tools to champion better work and encompass the CIPD core behaviours in my working life. Each unit that passed I gained more confidence and given more responsibilities at work and towards the end of my apprenticeship received a pay rise to recognise the skills and understanding an industry recognised qualification brings.
The feedback I have received from managers since starting my apprenticeship is testament to the skills and behaviours I have developed alongside the value I have added to my business. I would encourage anyone to get in touch with cHRysos to discuss their HR and L&D learning potential, the feeling of accomplishment after completing the apprenticeship is unrivalled, the sense of achievement was worth all the hard work.
Gemma Rooney
Recruitment Support Officer
I started my Level 5 Learning and Development Business Partner apprenticeship back in May 2022, since then, I have been able to learn so much about how L&D and HR can positively and hugely impact an organisation. I have just had my second assignment signed off which focused on Evidence-Based Practice. This was a completely new topic to me and from studying this, I was able to write up a business proposal to my site director for a L&D apprentice. This allowed me to use my new skills learned and focused on analysis of data and financial calculations using an insight focused approach. Each new assignment I am studying I can adapt and use those new skills in my workplace, I am looking forward to learning much more about the people profession and I am really looking forward to gaining my CIPD qualification.
Thomas Hill
Learning and Development Manager
I have found the apprenticeship interesting, enjoyable, and engaging. It has personally made me more confident performing my role in HR as I now have the knowledge to confidently advise the team and managers, challenge the way we do things and provide tailored training to ensure process improvements, which provides a competitive advantage for my company. I have also learned a lot about myself, and ways in which I can better support my
colleagues by being empathetic but also confidential and remaining professional.
I strongly believe that undertaking the apprenticeship helped me secure a permanent team coach position, as the qualification is sought after and the knowledge I had gained was beneficial to the team.
I enjoyed the engaging classroom sessions and the feeling of being part of a team, as the other students on the course were very friendly and we really supported each other.
Poppy Bailey
Team Coach - Operational Recruitment
Royal Mail
When did you start your apprenticeship journey?
I started my apprenticeship in January 2022 alongside also a new secondment as HR Advisor. Since then, I am learning new theory and skills with each module, and I am now permanently in the role as HR Advisor at Oxfam GB.
How has the apprenticeship helped you in the workplace?
The apprenticeship is really helping me develop and grow my skills in HR. I am able to put my learnings into practice, and equally am able to see what we do at work relayed back in the module learnings e.g. Working with Trade Unions, Disciplinary process and Unfair Dismissal law. The apprenticeship is equipping me with the knowledge to a better HR Advisor, and also the programme itself allows me to develop further my time management and prioritisation skills.
What have you enjoyed most about being on programme with cHRysos?
What I am enjoying most about my programme with cHRysos is all the new learning. For example, Talent and Resourcing is an area of HR that I have not been familiar with. The current module on Talent and Resourcing is giving me much more knowledge and allowing me to explore what takes place in my own organisation, as well as externally.
Claire Perry
HR Advisor
Oxfam GB

I embarked on the level 3 HR Support apprenticeship with cHRysos HR Solutions. My coach Sarah is an exceptional coach and mentor who has guided and supported me in my journey as I was nervous about formal learning 27 years after leaving college.
All the sessions have been online and the tutors are attentive and ask thought provoking questions so that learners can achieve their objectives, assignments and complete further on the job learning.
cHRysos provide friendly, excellent and professional support. If I was to embark on further learning in the future, I would definitely use cHRysos again and would highly recommend them to others.
Thank you to everyone for your support and guidance. 5 Star recommendation from me!
Michelle Woodall
UK Payroll Administrator & HR Coordinator
Griffith Foods
Why did you decide to complete a CIPD qualification?.png)
To enhance both my knowledge and skill set in all aspects of the HR Profession to support my career progression.
What made you choose cHRysos HR as your provider?
cHRysos HR was chosen as the preferred supplier by my employer, who was attracted by the offer of tailored individual learning plans with well passed assessment and support, 1-2-1 tutor support and face to face (virtual) workshops to assist my learning objectives.
How have you benefited from completing your chosen qualification?
My CIPD journey has allowed me to feel both competent and confident in advising on the purpose and issues relating to employment law and regulation, how to manage recruitment and selection, change, pay, working time, and performance and disciplinary matters lawfully and how to enforce these in practice ensuring the advice I provide to senior managers is sound and that staff are treated respectfully and lawfully.
How has your organisation benefited from you completing your chosen qualification?
Through my research I have enhanced both my knowledge and skill-set of various organisational development practices, models and approaches, enabling me to improve my understanding of what is required to be an effective and efficient HR professional, which has enhanced my personal performance within my job role.
Natalie Howes
HR Performance Manager
The Ministry of Justice

I have really enjoyed seeing my confidence grow during the level 3 HR Support apprenticeship with cHRysos HR and experiences of engaging in more HR related work within the school. My level 3 project was to co-ordinate a new online staff survey and results from the surveys helped me and senior leaders to identify actionable insights in both strength and problem areas to focus upon.
I passed the level 3 qualification in January 2021 and it wasn't long after receiving my certificates that I was back in touch with cHRysos HR requesting information to undertake the level 5 HR Consultant-Business partner apprenticeship which I started in June 2021. I am really enjoying the level 5 apprenticeship and look forward to the workshops and varying activities we complete during the session. The apprenticeship does require members to be committed as level 5 requires a higher level of work-related tasks/assignments and underpinning this with work-place evidence to show understanding and skills.
My line manager has been so supportive and encouraging throughout both apprenticeships and my confidence as a people professional is growing day by day. I would recommend undertaking an apprenticeship to anyone who wants to develop themselves in a HR role and see their confidence grow.
Leah Glenn
Business Manager
St Paul's C of E Primary School
Sarang Yande & Amanda Whelan
Associate Diploma in Organisational Learning & Development

I was nervous about embarking on formal learning nearly 30 years after leaving high school! The sessions were almost all online which could have been difficult. But it wasn’t at all, it was like having Caroline in the room with me. She was attentive and asked me thought provoking questions to ensure all the learning outcomes could be achieved after we ended our sessions.
Everyone I have spoken to in the organisation has been professional, contact by email has been responded to in a timely fashion and when my tutor was on annual leave another tutor stepped in to offer support. Sessions have been moved on occasion at my request to allow work priorities to take a front seat when necessary, but I have always wanted to get back on track throughout my experience because I was eager to move through the process as I enjoyed it all so much!
I would absolutely recommend cHRysos HR for learning, without hesitation.
Keeley Luddington
Commercial Director
Innergy Group Ltd
After a brief internet search, I found cHRysos HR, applied and was accepted. Initially I was nervous; I was older than most of my cohort and not employed in an HR capacity. I soon realised my perspective was very biased toward the operational needs and not necessarily considering the challenges faced by the HR professional. I needn’t of worried as each of the course tutors was excellent! They used my skills and experience to set the scene as to how workplaces face challenges, but then brought in theory, models and my cohort’s HR experience to date to make fully rounded conversations, that made us all stronger! It also exposed that I hadn’t written in an academic capacity for nearly 30 years and so referencing and the required assignment structures were long forgotten, but again, every tutor spent the required time to help and supported me to create 8 assignments that I am incredibly proud of. My cohort were patient and supportive and generally a great group.
I have since set up as a self-employed consultant, specialising in Operational Challenges and Human Resource Management. I am able to diary time each week to continue my learning, whether that is to read the latest People Management, browse articles on the CIPD website or keep abreast of employment law, organisation design or the other books purchased during my time studying. I can honestly say, each time I consult with a new client, I use my assignments to create the summary to detail what additional value I can bring the client, even if I am not advising in a HR capacity!
I would recommend any manager who gets heavily involved in people management, but may not work in the field of HR to consider becoming qualified in HR and would urge everyone to speak to cHRysos when making their decision. Even enforced remote working due to the pandemic didn’t diminish the quality of the learning experience – you have 5 stars from me!
Mike Berrisford
Level 5 HR Student

This was an excellent course professionally delivered to a decent standard. A relaxed adult learning atmosphere was prevalent throughout. cHRysos HR Solutions are a first class training provider I would readily use again and highly recommend.
Christopher Breedon
Squadron Leader
Royal Air Force

It was great to meet non-military types and share the experience.
Andrew Power
Personnel Administrator
Royal Air Force

It really has been a privilege sharing this journey with all of you; I feel I have learned a great deal from the experience, the incredibly well delivered information and being able to view things from all of the shared perspectives. Thank you one and all.
Anna Murzell
Title Transfer Property Lawyers

We used cHRysos HR Solutions Ltd to facilitate a number of focus groups to investigate a business issue. We found cHRysos to be very professional in understanding our business needs. The work carried out was thorough and accurate. We would consider the services of cHRysos if a similar opportunity arose.
Nicola Hartley
HR and Training Manager
Greencore Group, Manton Wood Site

I would like to thank you for helping me to complete this programme. I have found it to be a very smooth process albeit challenging at times. Both Helen and Alec were very helpful. I would certainly recommend anyone to use you.
Helen Mayall
Senior HR Advisor
Shop Direct Home Shopping Ltd

From registration to CIPD Chartered accreditation – superb! I have nothing but praise for the team at cHRysos HR Solutions Ltd. The CIPD PAC programme was professionally delivered and tailored to my individual requirements. Throughout, you are under the stewardship of an experienced, knowledgeable and extremely credible cHRysos PAC assessor. It took me a little under 12 months to complete and was backed up with continuous advice, guidance and support. Any individual or organisation involved in strategic personnel or development, I would have two points - do the CIPD PAC programme via the advisor led route and do it with cHRysos HR Solutions Ltd. You will not be disappointed!
Captain A. Thompson BSc
Chartered FCIPD
HM Forces (Army)

I would be happy to recommend cHRysos to anyone thinking of PAC. They were always available and quick to respond to any queries and my Adviser was wonderful, far more than I could have hoped for; challenging and supportive and fun!
Sandra Jasper
Faculty Personnel Adviser
Loughborough University

The confidence I have gained from this course is unreal. I have gained a wealth of knowledge. This is the start of my career not the end of my studies!
Genna Harper
Morris Feinmann Home

I found the complete course from start to end (showing interest on the website to receiving my certificate) easy and fully explained at every level. My tutor was exceptionally professional and extremely knowledgeable, which I feel will boost any student’s confidence to complete any course with cHRysos HR. Any person looking to pursue a career within Human Resources should never look further than cHRysos HR for all their needs. I have completed the Level 3 Foundation Diploma in HR Practice and I am confident to take my business to the next level. We are a new business and the support from cHRysos HR will help me grow a structured, fair and thriving HR L&D part of the business.
Toni Tyler
Logistics Manager
Protech Plastics Containers

I’d like to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to Kate for her tireless help and support throughout the last 2 years. I have not attempted any sort of studying since leaving school which was a very long time ago so found starting this programme a daunting experience. I couldn’t have completed this without the support and guidance provided by Kate.
Bev McPhun
HR Business Partner

After studying at college and university - where the methods of assessment were mostly exams or essays - gathering evidence and attending workshops was all new to me. However, it has allowed me to develop a new way of learning and I am now able to relate more to the personnel offshore in the way they are assessed through our competence system. Completing the course alongside my colleagues was a definite high for me, it was so nice to have others around me going through the same thing and sharing our thoughts on various questions.
Over the last year, Aker Solutions training departments have joined forces to introduce a slightly different mode of studying for staff to enhance their knowledge and experience. This is an excerpt from an article posted on the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board website outlining how successful the in-house training was that we recently provided.
Aker Solutions and Aker Subsea
Aker Solutions

Just a brief note to say thank you for my Diploma, it just arrived today and it made my day.
Once again I want to thank you and David for the professional, efficient and effective 'learning journey' I had the pleasure to undertake with you. You made it easy for a person who is not a native English speaker and therefore I think you deserve even more respect .
The journey I took with Chrysos was a great educational adventure!
I am honestly grateful to Chrysos for making learning a pleasure.
Agnieszka Senger
Can-Pack UK Ltd

I started my Course in March 2012 and have enjoyed all aspects and modules. I believe the course has given me an excellent understanding of HR best practices and a platform to deliver in my new work place. It has also helped me understand the importance of CIPD and how continuous learning and development can help improve you in the work place and also enhance your career profile.
The coaching I have received from the tutors has been excellent. I feel my learning has developed from the practical approach all tutors have used. The course set up was excellent and the support from the other members of cHRysos HR was first class. Without the support and help of the staff at cHRysos I wouldn't have achieved my Diploma and reached my goals.
Johnny Cheeseman
Royal Air Force

I am finding online learning really interesting and think the tutors are doing a great job to make new online packs for us to work with. They are engaging us well and Fiona has been there for me throughout the pandemic. I am having a tough time with work as it is busy and stressful, but I am learning so much with new experiences due to the pandemic such as furloughing, employment law, voluntary/statutory redundancies and restructures.
I am enjoying completing my assignments and extremely happy to be passing them all! I feel well looked after under Fiona and at work, I am very lucky to be experiencing the workload I am and with colleagues to help me along the way.
Sophie Leesley
Level 5 HR Apprentice
Sheffield Students' Union
Going back to study after a nearly a ten year break can be daunting for anyone, but as soon as I had my induction with cHRysos HR Solutions my worries and woes were put to rest, they eased me back into learning, reassuring me and offering support and guidance. cHRysos HR Solutions deliver a seamless learning programme from start to finish. The tutors and skills assessors are highly qualified professionals who really engage with students during informative training sessions and coursework. The tutors are friendly and very approachable. I would recommend cHRysos HR Solutions to any company, the high calibre tutors are amazing and encouraging throughout the apprenticeship programme and work with the business to fulfil everyone’s needs.
Emma Beecher O’Brien
Level 3 HR Apprentice
Excellent, professional and highly recommend!
On behalf of the Aldershot Military HR team, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all the staff at cHRysos especially our tutor Andrea Littlewood for supporting us through a challenging yet thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding L5 Diploma in HRM. Andrea made the course current and relevant to understand from a military perspective and made sure the students fully understood the content and what is required for the assignments, she went above and beyond to help and guide.
I would have no hesitation in recommending this course to any of my colleagues looking to pursue or enhance a career in HR - I am also looking forward to maybe enrolling on the Lv5 Coaching and Mentoring Course with cHRysos. Like the Army the cHRysos team drive a family friendly environment and make all welcome. Sincere thanks from the Aldershot Team, including Harry the dog.
Donna Swindell
Level 5 CIPD HR Student

I was impressed by the tutors ability to adapt from the conventional 2 day face to face training seminar to produce a 2 x ½ day virtual training session (as a result of Covid-19 implications) and conduct a very engaging session whilst retaining clear guidance on the requirements for a relatively complex assignment.
Dave Garraghty
Deputy HR Manager
Inzpire Limited

When deciding to complete my CIPD Level 3 Apprenticeship, I am so glad we chose to study with cHRysos! When doing an apprenticeship at work it can be hard to juggle the demands of your role and finding time to study but I can honestly say I have never felt more supported.
I want to say a huge thank you to Pete Steadman at cHRysos, I have absolutely loved my time learning with you and was so sad when it came to an end! You have taught me invaluable skills and knowledge and I have gained huge amounts of confidence. I only had the confidence to take the next step in my career because of you and for that I will be eternally grateful. You have really left a lasting impression on myself and my team. I really hope our paths cross again some time in the future.
I would absolutely recommend cHRysos to anybody wanting to develop and gain new skills. I promise you will not regret it!
Megan Draper
HR Advisor
Brakes, Kent

What I liked most about studying at cHRysos was the friendliness of the tutors, all the tutors have been a greast support to me since I started 18 months ago and they really do support you and push you forward and help you out with all your assignments and anything that you're unsure of.
I completed my Foundation Certificate in January 2019 and went straight on to do my level 5 diploma in HR Management and I'm hoping to complete this in the spring of 2020.
Andrea Borrowdale
HR Officer
Bassetlaw District Council, Worksop, Nottinghamshire

I chose to study with cHRysos because they were personally recommended to me. I would recommend studying with cHRysos, I found them very helpful, very informative and I studied in a great, supportive atmosphere.
Theresa Blackburn
HR Business Partner
Sirius Minerals plc, Scarborough

Just want to say a big thank you to you and all of the other tutors who have been so supportive over the past year. I have really enjoyed my time studying with you all and have found the classroom lessons and discussions not only stimulating and interesting but really useful in my day to day work life.
I will certainly recommend cHRysos HR to anyone who is looking to do their CIPD and you will be top of my list if I decide to progress to Level 7.
Rae Ellis
HR and Admin Manager
University of Huddersfield Students' Union

Lee Cox, whom our training helped transition from being a Regimental Administrative Warrant Officer Head of Unit HR - part of a 20 strong team in charge of the day to day administration and payroll upkeep of over 600 personnel, to Service Team Leader Royal Mail Pensions at Royal Mail.
Lee Cox
Service Team Leader Royal Mail Pensions
HM Forces (Army)

Why did you decide to complete a CIPD/CMI qualification?
I have always enjoyed delivering learning during my time in the Armed Forces and I wanted to start a new career upon my exit after 22 years of service.
What made you choose cHRysos HR as your provider?
cHRysos HR is sponsored through the Career Transition Workshop (CTP) which allows Service personnel in the resettlement process to use Enhanced Learning Credits towards personal development courses.
How have you benefitted from completing your chosen qualification?
On top of gaining valuable CIPD accreditation, I have gained confidence through the new knowledge and skills I learned during my course.
How has your organisation benefitted from you completing your chosen qualification?
I have been able to implement elements of learning theory and evaluation techniques into my workplace to enable us to become a better learning organisation overall.
What positive effect has completing your chosen qualification had on your own future or your organisation’s future?
Since completing the course I have been selected to commission as a Late Entry Officer which has extended my career. This qualification will allow me to implement new and existing learning techniques into the Armed Forces to enable us to develop further as a learning organisation.
cHRysos HR are very professional in their approach towards students and I found that they understood the bespoke nature of teaching members of the Armed Forces. The pre-course administration was delivered in good time which enabled me to prepare for the course and I found that the first day was planned so that it would allow students to mentally prepare for the following weeks.
The course tutors were total professionals throughout the course, they were flexible when required but they would always ensure that students were given support where required. Each tutor brought their own approach towards teaching which made the modules interesting but also allowed the students to interact throughout.
I believe that cHRysos HR has got it right with this course and that it should look to widen its qualifications with CTP. I highly recommend cHRysos HR to anyone who wishes to develop themselves in the L&D sector.
Richard Davidson
Regimental Sergeant Major Instructor
HM Forces (Army)

In my capacity as Director of The Independent Living project, I needed to find an independent HR specialist and was delighted when someone recommended cHRysos HR Solutions. Their hard work, professionalism and approach in helping deal with what was a complicated and unnecessary situation, together with reaching a satisfactory outcome, was greatly appreciated by the company,
I would have no hesitation in recommending them to anybody in need of HR help and assistance. For a small company such as ourselves the assistance was invaluable. I have found cHRysos HR Solutions to be very helpful and knowledgeable to us as an SME, both as advisors and HR experts.
James Durkan
Independent Living Project

The Level 5 Diploma in HR Management which was facilitated by cHRysos HR Solutions was fantastic. It not only improved my basic knowledge in this area but it gave me a detailed insight into Human Resources in all sectors. The tutors were amazing in their delivery of classroom instruction and mentored me through my assignment work. Their experience, interpersonal skills and support was vital for me to succeed. I would not hesitate recommending cHRysos to any future employer. A big THANK YOU!
Michael Andrew Smith
HM Forces (Army)

Richard Morphew
HR Manager
HM Forces (Army)

Julie Oughton
HR Advisor
Keepmoat Homes

Excellent, professional and highly recommended!
I would like to take the opportunity to thank all the staff at cHRysos for supporting me through a challenging yet thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding fast track L5 Diploma in HRM.
The course administration was fluid, the learning environment engaging and the tutors incredibly professional and clearly knowledgeable in their subject matter. I would have no hesitation in recommending this course to any of my colleagues looking to pursue or enhance a career in HR – sincere thanks to you all!
Terry Johnson
Warrant Officer
Terry Johnson
Warrant Officer

I just wanted to thank you all for your support and patience over the past 10 months. What you do as trainers, mentors and support staff truly is amazing and I thank you again.
I wish you all well for the future and hope that cHRysos HR solutions continues to grow and be even more successful.
Faye McCullock
FS Accreditation and Education
Royal Air Force

Please send a big thank you to Sheila, she was magnificent and explained everything in great detail and had the patience of a saint with me always asking questions, but she was always to hand and without her assistance I would not have that certificate in my hand now, she’s a great asset to your company!
June Drury
PA to Directors & Office Manager
Caddick Construction Ltd

I would like to say how lovely it was working with you guys. Everything is so well organised and Rick is an absolute dream - I have already recommended you to my colleagues and one of them will be studying through you soon I believe!
Please pass on my best to Rick and thank him for his ever enthusiastic demeanour and dedication.
Penny El Madani
HR Business Partner
Sunborn (Gibraltar) Resort Ltd

The CIPD Level 5 Fast Track course in HR Management was fantastic. The course providers were very knowledgeable and made sure that all students understood the content and what is required for the assignments.
Having a mixture of both service personnel and civilians currently in HR positions was very beneficial, especially when it came to examples and further understanding of what will be expected after my transition from service life.
Ian Gash
HM Forces (Army)

Attending my final study period yesterday was surprisingly emotional, not least because of the genuinely rewarding time I've had these past 5-6 weeks learning enormously from your great team.
First rate course and instruction delivered in an extremely pleasant environment. Support from every level of staff was outstanding and I would have no hesitation in either attending further courses through cHRysos, or recommending them 100% to any potential student. Great learning experience.
I will definitely be looking towards pursuing related qualifications further through yourselves; any special offers, please keep me in mind. Please pass on my thanks to all of your staff.
Ken Piller
Chief Clerk
Royal Air Force

The cHRysos team were both engaging and challenging in their delivery style, as well as being very knowledgeable on the topic area.
This workshop was resourceful, particularly the use of interaction analysis tools for self-assessment and the identification of group dynamics within the workshop teams and I found the setting and discussion points useful in helping to set out a framework for writing the assignment.
Once again, I particularly enjoyed comparing my organisation’s current work practices with various practises of the other participants’ organisations.
Beth Kilato
HR Advisor
Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of the team at Chrysos for the most lovely academic experience - I truly have enjoyed it all!
Lois Cook
HR Assistant
Unique Fundraising

I would highly recommend cHRysos HR to any individual who wishes to gain a qualification with the CIPD in HR. They provided an excellent service throughout the course and were extremely supportive. They are very professional and experienced in their areas of tuition.
I thoroughly enjoyed the course, it was intense and difficult at times completing the assignments but I knew that before I started. The tutors made us all feel welcome and were very professional.
I would definitely use cHRysos HR again, without hesitation in the future.
Darran Christian
HR and Facilities Manager
Public Service Broadcasting Trust

cHRysos HR were very knowledgeable and professional and worked with me to provide the company with an employment contract which was clear and fair for both parties; and most importantly meets the business need.
They were very easy to work with; I felt in good hands and confident that I was getting the best HR advice to protect the business.
I am very satisfied and grateful for the service provided, and I would without hesitation use Chrysos HR Solutions for any other HR requirements I may need in the future.
David MacLean
Managing Director
ProTech Roofing Ltd

cHRysos HR were very professional throughout the services they provided. We were informed of deadlines for the provision of documents which were always met. Rather than providing “off the shelf” polices and procedures that did not fit our business need, cHRysos HR worked to update and “tweak” what was already in place. This ensured the implementation of the final suite of documents was easy for our staff to understand.
We would certainly recommend Chrysos to others.
Lee Bradshaw
Director of Operations
Morgan Lambert Ltd

cHRysos HR delivered a thoroughly professional service from the very first telephone call. They demonstrated excellent knowledge and managed the process efficiently and thoroughly. They were always available and communicated on a regular basis to keep me up to date with progress. A proficient, high quality service from approachable, skilled professionals.
I would have no reservations in recommending cHRysos to others.
Lesley Blackett
HR Operations Manager
School Partnership Trust Academies

The team at cHRysos was great. They came to meet with me to discuss exactly what HR Consultancy Services I needed and gave me options to suit my budget. They were extremely patient with all my questions and reviewed documents over and over again until we got them exactly right. I'd definitely use cHRysos again!
Martha Brown
Forge Bakehouse, Sheffield

I completed a Foundation Diploma in HR Practice with CHRysos HR Solutions and I managed to fit my course around a busy work schedule, finding the pace of the course right for me.
The qualification requirements were clearly explained to me at the start of the programme and my assessor Charles Stewart discussed the assessment process with me too. I was really happy with the amount of contact I had with Charles and he was always clear and helpful with his advice.
I’ve also been given clear feedback and advice about the work I have submitted and how I develop further. It was also really good to see my assessment reports for each of my assignments, so I feel the assessment process was satisfactory.
Annie Denham
HR Coordinator
Fifth Ring, Aberdeen

"The tutors were always there when we needed them, I found it very easy to get in touch with them and support was always there if we had any questions throughout"
Ruth Baker
HR Business Partner
AAK UK Limited

"I found the cHRysos HR staff to be very supportive and very helpful and they were always there whenever I needed them."
Debbie Bollard
HR Consultant
Hough & Bollard Limited

Everything was explained clearly when I started the programme and a full brief was given by the assessor. There were always plenty of tutors available, even for extra meetings and I was always given clear feedback with clear guidelines on what needed developing further. We received assessment reports at the end of each until and the whole process was very much more than satisfactory.
I have now completed two courses with Chrysos HR and would highly recommend them to anybody wanting a career in management or HR. I felt that Julie herself was an inspirational tutor. She was always on hand to provide support and guidance and always prioritised our learning.
There were times when I felt like giving up on this course but Julie was able to motivate me to continue. I am very proud of the qualification I have achieved and would like to thank Julie for everything that she has done for me.
Julie Davies
SES Controller
Babcock International Corporation

I was really pleased overall with the level of service from Chrysos HR. Everything was explained to me very clearly at the beginning of the programme and I was really pleased with the amount and quality of the support and advice I received. My Assessor shared her reports with me and I was given clear feedback and points for development by my Assessor. I'm now hoping to continue onto level 5 with the same tutor.
Lauren Walker
Recruitment Assistant
West Bromwich Building Society

A big thank you to everyone at cHRysos HR for supporting me through what was a challenging but thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding Advanced Diploma in HRM. The learning environment was welcoming and the team have been flexible and supportive throughout. Course administration issues were dealt with efficiently and support from the tutors was excellent. For me, the support went further than just the course. cHRysos HR also helped me relate my emerging interest in organisational development to previous experience which has been invaluable in developing my career path. For anyone considering undertaking an HRM qualification I would definitely recommend getting in touch with cHRysos. HR.
Chris Howell
Senior Partnership Officer
Kingston Upon Hull City Council

I just wanted to write to express my thanks to my tutor at cHRysos HR for his commitment to ensuring that I completed my level 5 HRM. He showed a lot of patience with me and coached me through the course, especially when I was ready to give up. Please pass on my thanks to him for being a brilliant tutor. Also I would like to thank cHRysos HR as well, the whole process of my study has been dealt with smoothly and hassle free. It's been a pleasure dealing with you and once again thank you.
Sarah Hartridge
HR Supervisor
Royal Air Force

After researching many different organisations upon which to undertake my learning, I decided upon cHRysos HR, this being one of the best decisions I have ever made! My tutor had a wealth of knowledge, whilst his support and encouragement followed in abundance. Being able to have the flexibility to undertake my study allowed me to juggle work and family life at the same time. My tutor was a fantastic motivator and a true asset to the cHRysos HR team. He made the learning seamless from start to finish and I cannot thank him enough for assisting me in completing my goal.....I can't wait to start my journey in HR.
Kara Morrison
Dispute Resolution Team

The whole program and workshops have been very interesting and informative for me and I have had a great time working with you all. Thank you very much to everyone at the cHRysos HR team for making the journey worthwhile.
Taiye Makanjuola
Customer Experience Advisor
Capita Customer Management

Thank you to everyone for all the support and advice that I received – Kristina Henry was fantastic. Hugely patient, full of advice and encouragement and an endless source of knowledge and ideas. I would have been lost without her amazing guidance.
Claire Thornton
Office Manager
TLW Solicitors

I have enjoyed completing my qualification with cHRysos HR. I liked the flexibility of being able to do a work-based programme, plus I received excellent support and guidance from my assessor Pete Steadman who had a wealth of knowledge and experience and was extremely approachable.
Clare Williams
Learning and Development Co-ordinator
St. Luke's Hospice

It has been great to work with yourself and Chrysos over the last 10 months and I have gained some great innovative ideas to take back into my organisation. It is great to spend time with like-minded L&D professionals and I have gained a lot from this.
Hayley Gosling
CPD Co-ordinator
REAL Service, East Midlands Healthcare Workforce Deanery

Before the course started I was apprehensive and didn’t know what to expect, the help and assistance that cHRysos provided eased this process. During the course, the various tutors were extremely knowledgeable and guided the class expertly through a subject that was in the most part alien to the group. cHRysos provided a great environment to study which was fun, diverse and enjoyable. The knowledge gained from the course has enabled me to be employed in a HR environment at my first interview. I am truly grateful to all tutors and staff of cHRysos for making the transition to civilian life so much easier
David Ham

We appointed cHRysos HR Solutions to support us with delivery of HR within our business. We chose a pay-as-you-go arrangement and have a named HR consultant - Peter Steadman - who works closely with us. Pete has got to know our business and is very responsive to our needs. He is really down to earth and approachable. cHRysos HR support us in dealing with our HR issues as they arise but also work with us to ensure we have best practice HR policies and procedures to take us forward.
Samantha Hogg
Administration Manager/Accountant
Gray & Adams (Doncaster) Limited

Just wanted to say a huge thank you for all your help over the last year. I really enjoyed coming to CHRYSOS HR and the teaching methods and course set up was excellent. Please send on my thanks and appreciation to all the tutors and to Sean.
Johny Cheeseman
Royal Air Force

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your team for the support and guidance given over the last 12 months. I started this course unsure of what to expect as I had not undertaken any kind of academic activity since GCSEs (and that was a very long time ago!). The help and encouragement offered by your tutors and supporting staff have had a significant impact on not only the results that I have achieved, but also on my own levels of self-confidence and I extend my thanks to all.
Emma Bateman
Partner/HR Consultant
Trusted People Management
I chose cHRysos HR as I wanted to complete a qualification quickly so I could access a course and become qualified in the profession of HR prior to the next college intake of students.
Participating in a course that was flexible in the start and finish times suited my work-life balance with work, family and study. The tutor and cHRysos Manager were helpful when I required guidance and I completed the course within a year of signing up. Now I have 2 professional qualifications that work together – my first class BA (Hons) Business and HR Management degree and CIPD Intermediate Diploma in HRM.
Suzanne Enguita

I have just completed the CIPD Foundation Diploma in Learning and Development Practice and would like to thank cHRysos HR for their support throughout this course.
I would especially like you to know how supportive my tutor has been in providing feedback and guidance, quick response to queries and nothing was too much trouble.
Ian Smith
I feel a great sense of achievement having completed my qualification and I could not have done it without the support of cHRysos... thank you.
Tracy Thornton

I have found the atmosphere and environment at cHRysos HR Solutions Ltd very conducive to learning. The style of learning used is very good, from the delivery of the taught lessons to the tutor support available. In addition, the facilities such as tea/coffee making and lunch provision make for an enjoyable atmosphere.
Simon Burton
Royal Air Force

cHRysos HR Solutions Ltd. provides great facilities i.e. accessible tutors, support staff, a quiet classroom, Wi-Fi internet, library, printer and a common room. A good atmosphere for students to study in and relax.
Bidhan Gurung
Royal Air Force