Employment Law: What's on it's way?

It is important for employers to keep up to date on possible Employment Law changes. There is a plethora of information that lands on our desks or is sent via email and working out what your people management priorities are can therefore be challenging.
Here are some things to look out for throughout the remainder of 2019:
Transparency - Flexible working and family-related leave and pay policies:
This consultation takes forward the commitment made by the government in October 2018. The proposal will be to introduce a duty for all employers to assess whether a job can be done flexibly and make that clear when advertising; and to consult on requiring employers with more than 250 employees to publish their parental (family-related) leave and pay policies to align with the overarching approach to gender pay gap reporting. The government are seeking views on this and consultation closes on 11 October 2019.
Changes to the right to a written statement of employment particulars for all workers (including employees):
On 6 April 2020 access to a written statement will be a day one right for all workers and employers will have to provide additional information as mandatory content for a written statement.
There are several changes to consider here:
Arguably the most critical of the changes is that organisations will now have to provide this to all workers, as well as employees. As presently, the entitlement only applies to employees. There will also be no minimum service requirement for the right to receive written particulars.
The one-month qualifying period will be abolished. This means that all employees and workers must be provided with written particulars of employment, no matter how long they will be working for the organisation.
In addition to the current prescribed information, the statement will also need to contain the following information:
- The days of the week the employee/worker is required to work.
- Whether the hours of work may be variable and, if so, how the variation will be determined.
- Entitlement to other types of paid leave, such as maternity or paternity leave.
- Any additional remuneration and/or benefits available.
- Probationary periods (if relevant).
- Any required training which the worker will need to complete, or any other training in respect of which the organisation will not bear the cost.
Our advice is to check your written statements to see if they will be compliant from April 2020.
Increase in holiday reference period from 12 weeks to 52 weeks:
Also on 6th April 2020, the reference period used for determining a week's pay when calculating holiday pay for workers with irregular hours will increase from 12 weeks to 52 weeks. The Government's Good work plan states that the changes will allow greater flexibility for workers in choosing when to take holiday, particularly for those in seasonal or atypical roles that limit some workers from benefiting from their full holiday pay entitlement.
If you require any support implementing these changes, don't hesitate to get in touch and cHRysos HR can assist you.
cHRysos HR Solutions is a Doncaster based HR training and consultancy company providing CIPD and CMI accredited qualifications nationwide, as well as HR Consultancy to SMEs. For more information about how cHRysos HR can help you return to study and achieve further qualifications contact us on info@chrysos.org.uk or call +44 (0)1302 802128
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cHRysos HR Solutions are a UK wide HR training and consultancy company offering CIPD accredited qualifications, Apprenticeships, Training and HR Services to SMEs. For more information about how cHRysos HR can help you or your teams successfully achieve further qualifications, contact us on info@chrysos.org.uk or call 03300 562443.