A Christmas Message from Our Managing Director

This time last year, who would have believed that we would witness a year quite like 2020!
I realise that this has been a challenging time for all our learners and clients, however it has been amazing to see so many of you successfully complete your qualifications and apprenticeships this year, despite the unprecedented challenges you have all faced. Here at cHRysos we are very proud of every one of you. Well done!
We were so disappointed when we were forced to postpone our annual graduation. We look forward to when we can get together to celebrate your achievements. We hope this will be possible soon!
When we reflect on the challenges all industries have faced this year, (unfortunately some more than others), I think all our learners can celebrate the steps they have taken towards achieving their individual learning goals, however small. We have successfully overcome so much this year: two national lockdowns, home schooling, a lack of social contact and much more. Everyone has faced these head on: cHRysos are particularly proud that we have continued to deliver all our programmes online. It has been a big learning curve for us all. On behalf of all of team cHRysos, I would like to thank you all for your patience whilst we found our feet and introduced new ways of delivering our suite of programmes to you.
As we look forward to the year ahead with increased positivity that we will collectively overcome the virus; cHRysos HR has lots of exciting changes on the way. We have a new suite of CIPD qualifications coming next year and look forward to welcoming new learners to study with us. Exciting times!
We particularly look forward to welcoming you back to face to face learning when it is safe to do so, whilst continuing to develop our online delivery and virtual learning platform.
It just leaves me to wish you and your families a lovely Christmas break.
We all have high hopes for the new year.
With very best wishes,
Sheila Moore
(Managing Director)
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cHRysos HR Solutions are a UK wide HR training and consultancy company offering CIPD accredited qualifications, Apprenticeships, Training and HR Services to SMEs. For more information about how cHRysos HR can help you or your teams successfully achieve further qualifications, contact us on info@chrysos.org.uk or call 03300 562443.